For the purposes of his first feature film, Joe Penna took Mads Mikkelsen in the cold. The result, to say the least impressive, is called “Arctic”, and the feeling of realism it gives off is not an illusion. It was more simple for a first feature film. But Joe Penna, the man behind the YouTube channel, Mystery Guitar Man , famous for his music videos out of synch, and has obviously decided not to fall into the ease. For the purposes of the Arctic, the neo-director has indeed plunged Mads Mikkelsen in the cold with the desire not to cheat, as we have explained the two men at the Cannes film Festival 2018, where the survival was presented in a Session of Midnight. At this time, the temperature was more merciful, but the memories still linger on. A few months later, it is a snowy evening that Mads Mikkelsen came to present Arctic to Paris. Conditions more fitting with those of the movie, so he has again spoken on this occasion. Frame and mounting : Constance Mathews & Ando Raminoson
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